Accidental Sugar Daddy: A Single Mother, Billionaire Romance Read online
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I could take fewer hours at work this month, spend some time with the kids, chaperone Allie's field trip, and write my book. Then when this is all over, sell the clothes and make a little more to put in the bank.
"And at any time, I can be done if this doesn't work. Even mid-date?" I ask.
"Yes, and you can keep the full allowance amount and any money and clothing allowance for the month. If the month works and you agree to a contract, then things are a bit stricter, but we can negotiate all that when the time comes."
It doesn't sound like a bad deal, almost too good to be true.
"I don't even know your full name," I say.
"Owen Garrett."
I pull out my phone and type it in.
"Are you Googling me?" he asks and smiles, clearly amused.
"Umm yeah, I need to know my chances of this ending with me being butchered in your backyard."
He grins again as our dinner shows up. He ordered scallops and I ordered the sliced steak.
"You aren't on any of these trendy diets, are you?" I ask, eying his plate.
"No why?"
"Because I like burgers, fries, and steak, all things meat and carbs."
"Good to know," he says over his drink glass with a hint of amusement in his voice.
We talk a bit about the food, how small the portions are, and we even swap a bite off each other’s plate.
"So, chances of you being slaughtered and buried in my back yard?" he asks.
I smile this time, "Slim." Then sigh, "Can I have some time to think about this? I might be in jail tomorrow, so no promises."
"If you are, I promise to bail you out." He hands me his card with a written phone number, "That’s my personal cell, not many people have that so please don’t share it. Let me know by tomorrow night. We can have our first dinner the day after since it’s Friday."
I nod, I should know by tomorrow for sure, I think to myself.
"Can I get your phone number?" He asks.
I give it to him figuring the worst thing that can happen is I have to change my number. We spend the rest of the dinner and dessert talking about ourselves and the food. He pays the bill and walks me out to my car.
"Please text me and let me know when you get home just so I know you got home safe," he says. I agree.
I drive home and park my car. I text him before heading in to talk to Mia.
Me: I'm home, but my friend is my neighbor so she and I will have it out now. Good Night.
He doesn't respond right away, so I head inside. I find the kids are sleeping and Mia is on the couch watching TV. I walk right over to her and hit her with my purse.
"What the fuck Ellie, stop it!" She shrieks and jumps over the back of the couch to put it between us.
"How dare you send me out to be scoped out by sugar daddies," I growl at her.
"What?! No way would I do that!"
"That’s what it was! A group of sugar daddies looking for sugar babies."
"I had no fucking idea!"
"Lucky one of them took pity on me and filled me in!"
"Oh shit," she says, "Listen, I had NO IDEA! I was told it's just rich older guys looking for casual dates."
"Yes, a Sugar Daddy." I cross my arms.
"Shit." She looks at her feet then back up at me. "Well, where have you been then?"
"Out to dinner with the guy who filled me in."
"Oh really?!" She heads to the kitchen and grabs some wine and glasses, sits back down on the couch, and says, "Spill."
I sigh and sit down next to her and rehash everything, from the ages of the guys to how all the girls all looked alike. I tell her about Owen and how he stopped me before I left and about dinner and his offer and how he laughed when I was my blunt self.
"Girl do it!! With all that money you said you can take a few days off, chaperone your daughter's field trip, and put money in savings. He even said no sex," she says.
"I don't know."
"What? Is he bad looking? How old is he?"
I pull up the site I found him on earlier.
"According to Wikipedia, he's thirty-six," I say, then show her the photo on my phone.
"Damn, he's a hot thirty-six!" She says.
"But I'm twenty-five, that's an eleven-year gap."
"So what? This is for fun. Think of it as friends going out and you get paid to do it. He even said no kissing or sex, what do you have to lose?"
"What about if a weekend trip comes up?" I ask.
"Well between me, your parents, and Jenna the seventeen-year-old babysitter down the hall, we can more than cover it. Plus, I'm sure for a weekend away the pay would be pretty damn good." She takes a sip of wine.
"And we can cover any other times you need the kids watched. Come on forty-seven hundred dollars!!! If you sign a contract with him you could do this full time, be with the kids when they get home from school and start writing again!"
"Yeah, I don't think I'd plan to quit my job, maybe just go to part-time for the month and see if they will let me." I'm thinking out loud.
"So, call your boss now and ask."
"Mia, it's after ten at night!"
"Okay, so ask him first thing tomorrow. Say you have some family stuff and wonder if you can work part-time for the next month and then you will come back. It's not like you have benefits to worry about at that crap job. If he says no, I bet you can find a job that will let you and be happy about it."
I know she is right. I have been doing the work of an assistant manager and not getting paid for it. I do a lot of the baking, some of it with my personal recipes that I haven't shared with anyone.
The family who owns the bakery is sweet as can be. They’ve invested and opened up four other stores across the state, so they have a store manager. No store is the same which I like.
"Well, will you give up all your Friday nights to babysit? That is one of the conditions. I have to go on Friday night dates, for lack of a better term," I say.
"Yes, of course I will. You know I love these kids like my own and you need to get out and live life as you, not as a mom."
My phone goes off and I look at it.
Owen: Do you need help burying the body?
I laugh out loud, which prompts Mia to ask what I'm laughing at, so I show her the text message from Owen.
"Oh, shit he's funny too. Well, I'm going to go. Text Mr. Sexy back. I think you should do it." She then heads across the hall to her apartment.
Smiling, I lock the door, turn off the TV and the lights and I check in on the kids who are fast asleep giving them each a kiss on their heads. I stare at them for a minute.
There is nothing in the world I wouldn't do for my girls. I have been able to give them everything they need, but I'd love the ability to spoil them just a little bit.
They are growing up fast and I know the older they get the more expensive the simple things like clothes will get. In the grand scheme of things, giving up two nights a week with them is a drop in the bucket to secure our future right now.
I head into my room and close the door. I read Owen's message again and text him back.
Me: No, she might need stitches, but she lived, and we talked. She had no idea what it was. She was told about the event from a friend.
He responds right away this time.
Owen: What did she think about the idea?
Me: She says I should do it. Go down to part time at work for the month and start writing again.
Owen: So, is that a yes?
Me: It's an I will talk to my boss tomorrow. If I can go down to part-time at work for the next month, then it's a yes.
Owen: Ok, will you call me when you get out of work tomorrow and let me know?
Me: Yes, I get out at four.
Owen: Thank you. Good night.
Me: Good night.
Right to the point. I get ready for bed and lay down thinking about dates with him. Dinner wasn't so bad tonight, he was a gentleman, and we were able to make each other laugh while havi
ng a good conversation.
How crazy is all this? I can’t help but feel I will live to regret this sometime soon.
Chapter 2
The next day I go into work a little hesitant about my choice, but it's one I know I can't pass up. I walk back to Tony's' office. He's the store manager and the owner’s nephew.
"Hey Tony, can I talk to you a minute?"
"Yes, come in and close the door," he says in his sleazy voice.
"That's okay, this will just take a minute." I stand in the doorway. I refuse to lock myself in a room with him, he gives me the creeps.
I continue, "Tony, I need to take my hours down to part-time for the next month. I have some family things going on."
I can tell Tony is less than amused.
"If I take you down to part-time, I have to hire someone to take those extra hours and it's not fair to fire them just to bring you back full time. I suggest you rethink this." He turns his back on me to get back to work.
I go back to work. On my lunch break, I call Mia and tell her what Tony said.
"Girl, he is a creep and an asshole. You are good at what you do. You have recipes that are yours and girl, you should have been promoted to assistant manager six months ago. You do all the work, they are completely taking advantage of you! You can get another job quickly that pays better, plus you’ll have money saved up from your time with Owen."
"You're right Mia, honestly I wanted to do it, but I guess I just needed another voice telling me I was doing the right thing."
"Good, that's what I'm here for, Ellie. I think this is good for you and you can start writing again. Who knows, maybe you will finish the book, it makes the Best Sellers list, and you don't have to go back to the bakery?”
"That's the dream, Mia. Reality sucks."
I finish my lunch and head back to tell Tony.
"Tony, I’ve thought about it and I'm going down to part-time. If I can't get my hours back at the end of the month, then so be it. I need Friday, Saturday, and Sundays off and only mornings on Thursdays."
"I think you forget I'm the boss here Ellie, you work when I tell you too, family issue or not."
I shrug, "Okay, then I'll quit and go work at the new bakery that just opened. That means my recipes go with me," his whole body stiffens and something looking like rage crosses his face.
"Fine," he spits out and I don't miss that throughout the conversation he's been staring at my chest and not my face.
I finish my shift and call Owen on my way home.
"Hey, how was your day? Did you talk to your boss?" He asks.
"My boss wasn't too happy, but he agreed, so yes to the next month."
I must be imagining things because I swear, I hear a hint of a smile when he speaks next.
"Okay, I’ll pick you up at five tomorrow." He says.
Crap, I don't want him knowing where I live or chance him seeing the kids.
"No, just tell me where to meet you. I’ll get there."
"Me picking you up for our dates and dropping you off is part of the deal, Ellie."
"Well, what if I don't want you knowing where I live?"
"I'm not asking for a key just to pick you up for dinner and drop you off, so I know you get home safe."
I hesitate. "Fine, but I'm not buzzing you up and not telling you what apartment. I’ll meet you outside."
He sighs, "That's fine, Ellie."
"What should I wear for tomorrow?"
"I made reservations at the new seafood place by the river so a cocktail dress will work."
When we get off the phone, I text him my address and then pick the kids up from after school care.
“How do you guys feel about Aunt Mia watching you after school again tomorrow?” I ask them on the way home.
“Yay!” They both cheer.
“Where are you going, mommy?” Allie asks.
“I have a… meeting. I’m thinking of taking a part-time job to make a little extra money.” I stick close to the truth because I am not a fan of lying to my girls. “It will only be two nights a week, are you ok with that?”
“Who will watch us?” Allie asks.
“Aunt Mia or Grandma.”
“I love it when Aunt Mia comes over.” Becca squeals.
That night after the girls are in bed, I look through my closet for a dress for tomorrow. I find one that isn't a traditional cocktail dress, but it is dressy and kind of beachy.
It's a soft blue, off the shoulder maxi dress with a tight empire waist and solid blue slip that ends at my knees and has a sheer lace overlay. It has a bohemian feel, but I can pair it with some black heels and the right jewelry to dress it up.
I haven't worn this dress in over a year and am glad to have a reason to wear it again.
As I'm lying in bed trying to fall asleep, I get a text message.
Owen: Good night, Ellie.
Me: Good Night, Owen.
I'm running late. The jerk of a boss kept piling work on me, reminding me I was leaving him in the lurch going part-time. I finally slipped out when he was on the phone and didn't look back.
I know he was doing it because he heard me talking to Mia about needing her to come over and watch the kids. Jerk.
I run and pick up the kids and head right home. It’s a few minutes after four when I walk in the door and Owen will be here in less than an hour. Crap.
Thankfully, this is when Mia walks in the door and takes over kid duty. I listen to the girls tell me about their day as I get dressed.
As the girls do their homework, I do my makeup and Mia does my hair while I tell her about my day.
Mia agrees jerk-face Tony did it on purpose and again urges me to find another job saying now is a perfect time because I can be picky, I'm not in a rush. I promise to think about it.
She has a point. I'm not rushed because of a gap in paychecks and can take my time and find a good fit. I figure I can put out a few feelers next week and see what happens.
I'm listening to the girls talk about some game they both played during PE and they are laughing and giggling. Allie is helping Becca with her homework and it warms my heart.
This is why I am doing this tonight. For them. It kills me to leave them and miss out on this sweet time, but I know they are in good hands with Mia. I figure I can treat them to something special tomorrow since I’ll have a bit of breathing room in my bank account.
Five minutes before five pm my phone rings.
"I'm out front," Owen says.
"I got out of work late, I need a few more minutes and I'll be down."
He doesn't sound upset, but I hurry up and get my shoes on and switch out my purse to one that matches my dress.
I say goodnight to the kids because I'm sure they will be sleeping by the time I get home.
"You look very pretty mommy, where are you going?" Allie, my oldest asks.
"I have a dinner meeting tonight. It's at a nice restaurant by the river that has that beach we went too." It's not a complete lie.
"Ohh mommy take beach pictures!!" Becca squeals.
I laugh, "I will try my best baby girl, but I have to go, my ride is waiting downstairs. I love you girls so much, be good for Mia, okay?"
"We promise mom," Allie says.
"Love you too mommy," Becca says, turning back to her schoolwork.
I take a deep breath, hug Mia and head out the door.
When I get out front, Owen is standing next to the car and doesn't see me right away, so I take him in. He is in dress slacks and a button-down shirt, but no tie. The shirt stretches perfectly across his arms and chest and my god I'm suddenly nervous about tonight.
He sees me and doesn't hide the fact that he's checking me out. He looks me in the eye and smiles.
"Is this dress okay? I figure it would go with the beach theme."
"You look beautiful, Ellie, that dress is perfect." He says and butterflies stir around in my stomach.
He helps me into
the car before getting in himself and closing the partition between us and the driver. I know the restaurant; I looked it up, we have a good half-hour drive ahead of us. Longer if we hit traffic which we probably will this time of day.
"Do you get out of work late a lot?" he asks.
"No, my boss was just being an ass. He's mad I'm going part-time, so he piled more work on me, when he heard me on the phone with Mia asking her to come over tonight."
Shit, I don't want him to know about the kids.
"She umm, did my hair for me. She’s the one who told me about the mixer."
Looking at me, he says, "Your hair is beautiful.”
I feel a little self-conscious, I know I'm not the type of girl he usually has on his arm, but I push my insecurities away for my girls.
“Where do you work?" he asks.
"Oh no, I can handle this myself and I can't have you messing up my job. I need it, especially if this doesn't work out."
"Okay, but if you want me to speak to him, I will."
It makes me smile, but the less he gets tangled in my life the better.
"Thank you, but I can take care of myself. My part-time hours will be half days on Thursdays and off on Friday, Saturday, and Sundays since I assume most of your events will be on the weekend."
He goes over his schedule for the month and turns out I was right. He has three charity events all on a Saturday beginning next week. That’s perfect with my schedule.
He also gives me the info for my clothing allowance at a boutique downtown. I know the store and they have some super cute stuff, but I've never been one for clothes shopping.
He tells me I should go this weekend and use the allowance and I nod, knowing I probably won't go.
He also gets the info for my pay app and I hear a notification on my phone. Not only did he send the month's allowance, but he also sent the money for tonight. Twenty-three hundred dollars.
I have to take a deep breath. That's three weeks’ pay from the bakery. My mind races with the possibilities. I know I will put this money into savings, but there is so much I could do.
Get the girls new clothes for starters. They seem to have hit yet another growth spurt. Thank God for the kid’s consignment store in town. I take in the stuff they outgrow and trade it in for new clothes and it doesn't kill my budget.